There has been quite a lot of debate as to whether this website is showing some of the best candid pears out there or whether the webmaster is doing a cunning experiment in morphing video, something which is pretty hard to do.
To be honest, I'm not sure.
I think some of the pics are morphed, you can see that quite clearly, and I have been given evidence that would suggest that some of the vids can be seen to be morphs when you look at them frame by frame.
On the other hand, I do think some of them are genuine.
At the end of the day, you need to make your own minds up, maybe the pics and vids being morphs is ok by you, I just think it is important to know the truth.
As such, I will keep up the original post and y'all can judge yourself.... njoi!!
How did I not see this site before?
Check out these pics showcasing some of THE BEST candid HUGE PEAR SHAPED women I have ever seen!!
Thick thighs, wide hips, slim waists... man, doesn't get better than this!

Where am I talking about?
Jump over to voyeur-operator and have a browse... you'll not be sorry!
Just to reinforce the magnificence of these AMAZING full-bodied women, the Webmaster has posted some sample vids on Dailymotion:
First up, great jiggly booty and hips in shorts.

Mature Wide Hips
Uploaded by opsxp23. - Find more steamy, sexy videos.
Check out this EXTREME pear shape!!

Uploaded by opsxp23. - Check out sexy vids. Caution - NSFW!
Lastly, I love the rounded curvy hips on this wonderfully shaped mama, delicious!!

French Booty
Uploaded by opsxp23. - Find more steamy, sexy videos.
Tell these women don't just blow your minds!!!
Superb post!
OMG, Jonas, what a find!!
I guess it's a morph (at all pictures).. too sad... and too nice to be true :(
Hi Jonas,
unfortunately, this guy is making fun of us. When I first saw these videos, I thought - finally. Then, when watching the videos frame by frame, I started noticing strage things. He's definitely a master of photoshop and video tools and he probably spent huge amounts of time in morphing every frame. But it's clear: most of his videos are morphs. Play the videos frame by frame and pay attention to things happening around the hips. Hands that should be behind the butt but that are covered by a stretched ass. Arms that are narrow like spaghetti because they are bent together with the hips. And so on. Let me know if you want specific examples :-) Cheers, Fafner
We have to face it: women like that do not exist - except for in our imagination.
What actually made me suspicious in the first place was that most of his videos are taken in one particular spot, Niagara Falls, or whatever it is. Having done candids for years, looking for women like these (if they were real), I know how hard it is to find them. In particular, you will never find multiple of them at the same spot. They appear when you expect them the least, most of the time when you have no camera or you are with friends. Jonas, my old candids colleague, I guess you hear me ;)
Do you know what?
I want women like these to exist so much that I want to believe, so if I have been taken for a fool, then I will not be happy.
I'll have to look into the allegations, but Fafner is someone who I would trust in these matters and I have no reason to doubt his judgment.
I will remove this post if it proves to be false< i am that angry that I have had the wool pulled over my eyes, and will apologise to all for my lapse.
BTW, Fafner, drop me a line at my email address, it would be good to talk, been a while! :)
Hi Jonas,
I felt the same way when I started discovering that all the videos are fakes. Actually, I would, in your place, leave the post up on your blog. I'd change the text a bit, but I think that guy deserves that at least somewhere his lies are displayed as such.
I'm still amazed, however, how he did some of the videos. I mean, I sometimes morphed a single picture for my own pleasure ;) - not to talk about morphing whole videos!
So what your saying is that the footage is just to good to be true. What would you prefer, for me to mix it up with some girls with flat asses just to make it "believable".I have footage with flat asses but my site is not about that.
Fafner you are correct about one thing, women like these are hard find.I shot footage for over three years, and there were many days even weeks that went by with out capturing any footage worth posting.I have seen many sites that had girls with flat asses, no hips, no shape, or girls that were just plain fat being called curvy.
If this is what you prefer my site is not for you.
I hear you went through my footage frame by frame and found a pixel out of place, are you serious!My computer is five years old and I'am running premiere. I am not a CG artist or a photoshop master, but you must be.So I would like to know what is the work flow for morphing over 2,000 frames of video and what programs would one use.If you can not tell me then it is safe to conclude that you do not know what you are talking about.
I have seen morphed pictures with the backgrounds distorted, with skinny arms look closely at the footage that Jonas posted,I see none of this.
Jonas thank you for posting my footage, I have been a fan of your site for years.
And do you mind telling me how would one go about PHOTOSHOPING video.
Of course you can extract the pictures out of a video. -> then make the morph with Photoshop -> put it back together in a video.
This is sure a lot of work but possible. There are may Video-Tools that do the same with less work I don't know..
Dude.. why do you direct people to another site for a look at some phat asses.. that is why I come here.. I don't want to look at their site.. links are nice to have but.. YOU...YOU.. come with the heat.. don't throw all the heat their way.. even if you get it from them. don't tell us.. then We start going to their site not yours..
I don't know where you guys live but I've seen plenty plenty of woman like this and even better
black white Mexican Latino I've seen plenty with hips and ass just like that every day
he's a clown for morphing videos
it's not that serious there are woman more than ever walking around with the big hips today
the black woman has made it acceptable to have curves
at the end of the day black woman have the biggest titties ass and hips
and I don't mean just bbw ssbbw
plenty of Mexican woman love the curves with the wide hips
Especially in the south these hips and asses are an everyday thing
In the south such women are an everyday thing? I've spent a lot of time in places throughout the U.S. and Europe and have seen maybe a handful. The only place where I almost really had the impression of significantly more huge-hipped women was in Brazil. Unfortunately, the "brazilian bunda" you find on the web refers to asses that are way smaller than what we are talking about...
ive seen it plenty in houston....maybe thats not the south like an atlanta or whats considered the south (which has plenty of big asses and hips) but its not rare at all
i laugh when broads like a kardashian or any of these broads now have some ass
mexican and black woman especially black have always had big asses and hips for days
you could go into any walmart and sit there for a few hours and find plenty
Of course there are women with huge wide butts and hips, but the video clips at Voyeur-Operator are clearly, without doubt, MORPHED.
You see how advanced 3D CGI porn looks now, so the tools are there to manipulate video. I actually think the effect in the Voyeur clips isn't that great - because it's obvious.
For fantasy fans, yes it's good, but for those wanting pure reality.. they won't like it.
And of course we all know that modeling in Maya or 3DS Max, doing hi resolution 3d sculpting and painting in a program like Zbrush or MudBox, then rendering out in mental ray is the same exact
thing as shooting video footage with your camera.
Sir, your logic is flawed, because these two work flows are entirely different, you simply cannot equate the two.Right now I have about 50 plus videos
on the site, honestly do you think that I went through and CGed all of this footage, I am sorry but you sound CRAZY.
If you want to hate, then hate.
In the mean time I present voyuer-operator ENJOY.
First of all, I don't believe his videos could be morphs because that doesn't make sense. You have to morph the videos one frame at a time. At 30fps, that comes out to 1800 frame a minute! Most morphers haven't morphed enough pics in their lives yet to do even one minute of that. Sure a computer could fill in a few gaps for you, but still, you have to do most of the frames by hand because the computer can't do it for you. Thing is, I haven't seen his vids yet, so I can't say more about them.
"We have to face it: women like that do not exist - except for in our imagination."
That statement is one the most incorrect things I've heard in my life. (Fafner did admit he's seen women like this at rare points in his life.) I see women like this all the time. I feel real sorry for Fafner, Jonas. He's been looking for booty in all the wrong places. Here's a tip for folks like him that I can say from personal experience: next time you're in the eastern United States, check out the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Hampton itself, Newport News, Norfolk and Virginia Beach by the beach are all good places. There are surely better parts of the U.S. you could visit, but I'm only speaking about places I've been to. I mean, you could try Washington D.C. (I live there), but you'd have to go to southeast, and that's not a place you really want to go unless you live there. Any part of D.C. where you see white people is the wrong place, but you might get lucky. If you want attractions AND attractive booty, I would stick to Hampton Roads and go someplace like Norfolk and check malls and special events. Granted, a lot of the women you find might be too fat for you if you don't like women plump, but still.
You cannot tell ME women like the ones on Voyeur-Operator only exist in our imaginations, because I've seen WAY too many of them!
"you will never find multiple of them at the same spot"
Women like that are concentrated in certain communities! You ALWAYS find them in the similar spots! If you don't see them, you're in the wrong area!
Anyone else out there want to give places they know by personal experience are good places to find thinner women with wide hips, or fatter ones?
Totally agree with Blackant and Operator... I know firsthand just how much time you'd have to dedicate to edit a bundle of just 10 frames to work cohesively in an animation. Even then, the thighs wouldn't fall in place like they should, and the upper part of the calves would look distorted.
The video of the mom in grey leggings is undoubtedly REAL. Her left thigh is clearly thicker than her right, and that stays consistent throughout the ENTIRE footage. Even whilst she runs up a hill, or the side angle, her proportions NEVER loose their original consistency.
"We have to face it: women like that do not exist - except for in our imagination. "
That has got to be the most absurd comment I've ever read. By your logic, Mal Malloy doesn't exist. My fiancee doesn't exist. Hell, my entire college campus and females within the audio engineering staff don't exist.
The videos are not morphed as it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to achieve such fluid results. Those who claim they are clearly know nothing about the subject.
Morphs 100%
Legit 100%
How can one tell whether or not Voyeur-Operator's videos are morphed? Well for starters, it's FUCKIN' IMPOSSIBLE.
Fafner, you're a joke. Every skeptic that's commented is a douche, and Jonas is an asshole for condoning such ignorant banter.
This will post as anonymous but let me call myself Islandguy-anonymous. I've been a fan of Fafner's from years back and Jonas but Fafner's comments annoy me! It almost seems jealous. These women exists I've seem they types at various times throughout my life and even had an experience with one. Mal Molloy is real and Voyeur Operator's stuff is real! Love the french booty she is that rare older woman type that I find absolutely gorgeous. Thanks V-Operator! Forget the haters!
Iv have seem women like this. There aren't many, but they are out there...
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