Saturday, May 26, 2007

The shape of a woman...

For once i am speechless....


NoTimeAtAll said...

All I could think of was: "OH MY GOD!".
That is One of THE Greatest Asses of all time.

What a juicy Hourglass Figure!

This was a real Good find Jonas--
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

very nice....what is the link to that on youtube? i have to download it

Anonymous said...

how is this possible?

Anonymous said...

... o ... a ... erm ... me too speechless ...

Anonymous said...

i gotta say this occurs more often on black women and in the southern american states! - if anyone cares to see them in person!! lol

unspeakably curvy! :-D


Anonymous said...

Dammit! What format is that Jonas? I can never get these files to play and I have the latest DivX and Flash players. :(

Anonymous said...

hey folks! First Jonas you did a hell of a job finding this one :) I commend you my friend. If anyone wants to view the actual file from you tube here is the link:
Save it now before it gets trashed later. Good job Jonas, find more of these type of hourglass babes ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i beat peter to this one lol ;) good find

Anonymous said...

The YouTube link is:

To find a vid on YouTube that you found embedded somewhere else you can click 'share' the vid. Then copy the code after 'v=' then go to YouTube and watch any vid paste the code you copied in place of the 1 that's there and viola! You can do that with any YouTube embedded vid!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING!!! I'd have had a heart attack from watching that knowing I haven't taped a woman like that, but recently I went to a carnival and for the first time in a zillion years I saw a girl built just... like... that...! This video's a bit better than mine, though. I'm going to post the video on my site later.

Anonymous said...

Oops. I filmed at a carnival, but the girl I saw like that was at Wal-Mart. The one in this video is still a little better what I got, though, so maybe I'll buy his DVD! This video is cool and show the guy's boldness, because she notices him and tries to run away and he goes after her! YEAH!

Anonymous said...

Oops. forgot to say that when you copy the YouTube code you don't copy yhe '&embed' from the end of the code.

Anonymous said...

GAAAAAAK!!! (clutches heart) (dies)

Anonymous said...

After pausing the video many times and measuring carefully with a ruler, I've concluded that if she is 5'3", then her ass is 22" wide and 14" deep. Using the formula for the circumference of an ellipse, this translates to an ass measurement of 57 INCHES!!!

Anonymous said...

which beats Auguste Moore's ass measurement of 54 inches (at 5'5" height). When I compare videos of Auguste Moore and this lady, the numbers seem correct.
So this lady beats Auguste Moore in the big-butt-small-waist category!

jonas said...

Ha ha ha!
I love the way a seriously huge ass on a slim women makes peeps act all funny... i reckon you could be right bout her measurements, that is big on such a small woman!

I would love to do a field trip to confirm your findings.... :)

Anonymous said...

on my face!!

Anonymous said...

I saw a bigger people's picture than this at