Check out these hugely proportioned women!
And on the news front i should have a new very exciting project to tell y'all about soon... watch this space!!
First up a woman who seems to be called 'UniquelyMadeDiva' and she most certainly is!!

This woman I found on a contact forum.... nice thick butt!

Check out how insanely huge this womans butt and hips are compared to her top!!!! OMG!!!!

Man, she certainly fills those jeans!!

A couple from NudeArica forum... Booty doesn't get much thicker than that!!

Last one for now.... what would you do to get hold of that!!

WOW! That girl from Nude Africa is a future star. Any more from her? What is her name?
OH MY LORD! Jonas, I had to get some Air after seeing those pics... Incredible! I didn't know butts could even grow that way!:-) NudeAfrica pics are the amazing - love the black lace butt!
Great pics, Jonas. Who is the incredible woman in the kitchen? Where did you find her?
The one in the kitchen is from an old yahoo group which hasn't been active for over a year...
The NudeAfrica pics are very special... she has such thickness to her cheeks!
I have seen only 1 other pic of her, i think, but do not have it. :(
I did start checking out NudeAfrica, but you do need to wade through a load of average pics to get the diamonds!
Thanks for the link Illest, Ms Neicy has a great ass... looks a bit fierce though, wouldn't want to upset her!
The only ones I didnt like that much were the 1st girl and the woman in the kitchen..That girl from nudeafrica and the other one were incredible
WOW! Just wonderful(all women).
Thanks Jonas
oh yes! I am so damned turned from seeing all that top shelf ass... there should be a website dedicated to ass just like this... yummmy! and that black lace booty almost made me bust a nut... for real..
Jonas where did you sEE "Uniquediva" from because I didnt think it was possible to find a sexy pear shaped woman like herself. Would like to go there to sEE her and others. Thanks, for your blogs that reminds me bigger is always beautiful plus definietly better.
WHERE can I find pics of uniquelymadediva???? PLEASE tell me!!!
Does anyone know exactly what contact forum uniquelymadediva can be seen@ ???...from one BBW admirer to another
I agree with the others UNIQUEDIVA is incredible and would like to sEE more of here@ what forum was she found on?
I found uniquelymadediva on the Big Ass Forum:- but there have not been any more pics of her posted... :(
Sorry it took so long for me to leave feedback for this post, but I had to compose myself before I could do it! The amazingness of the pics speaks for itself, but Idid want to say this: I saw that YouTube video of the woman at the airport you posted at the beginning(Anybody who hasn't watched that yet needs to!) and kind of thought that could have been the only woman in the world built like that... OR... it could have been UniquelyMadeDiva! I just wonder how that cameraman & his editor(s) got away with putting that on the news!
You said you won't really be filming much candid video anymore? Well from the looks of what you and I have found I think I should focus on finding the women in public and posting them at and leave the finding of bbws on the 'net to you because you're the MASTER!
Okay Jonas, well I just posted about uniquely_made_diva. This is the video of her
Just wanted to say hello someplace. Found [url=]you guys through google[/url]. Hope to contribute more soon!
The amazing lady in red (d551.jpg)... WOW got any more of her?
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